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Apex IONM Solutions Apex IONM Solutions

The cost of preventing a heart attack with Wegovy? $1M for insurers

By Admin | September 19, 2023

Wegovy, Novo Nordisk's expensive weight loss drug, could reduce the risk of cardiovascular events — but at a steep cost to insurers, Bloomberg reported Aug. 31. 

study published in August showed Wegovy led to a 20 percent reduction in major cardiovascular events. An analysis from analytics firm Airfinity Ltd. found that insurers would have to pay $1.1 million for multiple patients to take Wegovy for multiple years to prevent one heart attack, Bloomberg reported. 

According to Airfinity's estimates, an insurer would need to pay for Wegovy treatment for 60 people with cardiovascular disease and obesity for three years to prevent one stroke, heart attack or cardiovascular...(More)

For more info please read, The cost of preventing a heart attack with Wegovy? $1M for insurers, by Becker's Payer Issues

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