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Researchers suggest changing gold standard of spine surgery from operative microscope to 3D exoscope

By Admin | January 25, 2024

While surgeons have more commonly used the exoscope in various intracranial procedures, its use in spinal surgery has been underreported. 

Researchers and neurosurgeons at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) retrospectively compared the operative microscope to the 3D exoscope in a recent study published in World Neurosurgery and found better outcomes among both surgeons and patients when using the exoscope. 

Stephen Kalhorn, M.D., FAANS, was the principal investigator on the study, and he says the traditional operative microscope has its limitations as a surgical tool. 

With its more limited positioning options, the operative microscope often sits too close to the surgical field, and surgeons find they’re prone to bumping their instruments into it throughout the procedure. With the exoscope, the high-definition 3D digital imaging device is positioned above the surgical field and out of the way. In addition to...(More)

For more info please read, Researchers suggest changing gold standard of spine surgery from operative microscope to 3D exoscope, by EurekAlert

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