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Reducing pain at discharge may reduce opioid consumption in orthopaedic patients

By Admin | July 10, 2020

A study published in the July issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (JAAOS) has found a correlation between patient-reported pain at discharge from inpatient surgery and the number of opioids prescribed during the 90-day postoperative period. These results suggest that reducing patient-reported pain at the time of discharge may help to reduce opioid consumption, the study’s authors suggest. These findings could be particularly relevant in spinal surgery, where patients were found to require the most narcotics three months after surgery.

“The 90 days following surgery represents a critical window in terms of...(More)

For more information please read, Reducing pain at discharge may reduce opioid consumption in orthopaedic patients, by Spinal News International

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