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'No other industry would tolerate this': The problem with prior authorization in spine surgery

By Admin | September 25, 2023

The prior authorization system is seen as flawed by many surgeons working in orthopedics, spine surgery and beyond. 

It often slows down patient care, adds administrative tasks for employees and sometimes even leaves physicians to foot the bill for expensive patient procedures. 

Three neurosurgeons, Anthony DiGiorgio, DO, Praveen Mummaneni, MD, and Luis Tumialan, MD, issued a statement to Becker's explaining the major problems physicians face when it comes to receiving fair payments for services offered. 

"Consider the following two scenarios: Imagine a broken pipe is causing a flood at your home.  Your next steps are to contact your insurance carrier, open up a claim and then find a contractor to assess and repair the damage. The contractor provides your insurance company with a bid for the proposed work, which the insurance company reviews and approves. Upon completion of the work, the contractor submits for payment. The insurance company pay...(More)

For more info please read, 'No other industry would tolerate this', by Becker's Spine Review

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