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Lumbar fusion, 3D scans and endoscopic surgery: Dr. Ali Anissipour on the future of spinal treatment

By Admin | November 08, 2023

Ali Anissipour, MD, an orthopedic spine surgeon at Western Washington Medical Group in Everett, recently joined Becker's to discuss his achievements in the last year and trends and advancements in spine surgery worth monitoring.

Editor's note: Responses have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Question: What are you most proud of from last year?

Dr. Ali Anissipour: I'm most proud of my work over the past year, where I've combined two areas of expertise to help my patients with spinal deformities. I've been using advanced techniques in oblique lumbar interbody fusion with anterior longitudinal ligament releases and lateral anterior lumbar interbody fusion combined with robotic-assisted percutaneous screw placement and facet work for scoliosis surgery. This innovative approach has helped in achieving spinal alignment goals, minimizing narcotic usage, promoting earlier mobilization and reducing hospital stays.

Q: What are the biggest trends you're following in healthcare right now?

AA: A significant trend I've been closely following in healthcare is the continued growth of endoscopic spine surgery. It's gaining more representation at conferences like the North American Spine Society's annual meeting. While I acknowledge some benefits of this technique, I'm also scrutinizing factors such as...(More)

For more info please read, Lumbar fusion, 3D scans and endoscopic surgery: Dr. Ali Anissipour on the future of spinal treatment, by Becker's Spine Review

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