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Apex IONM Solutions Apex IONM Solutions

Episodes of care and bundled payments, a sustainable approach

By Admin | August 27, 2019

This article is a portion of a book titled "Challenges, Risks and Opportunities in Today's Spine World " edited by Stephen Hochschuler, MD, Frank Phillips, MD, and Richard Fessler, MD. You can find links to the previous chapters at the end of this article.

The healthcare industry is clearly in the middle of a learning period, the goal of which is to understand how value-based care functions differently from fee-for-service care and the benefits a shift may provide. While this comment may surprise some practitioners who are not looking beyond the horizon, make no mistake that defined bundled payment programs are a temporary practice space, and the industry is in the middle of a learning curve for the future of healthcare. The next 8-10 years will be a period of folding in more and more clinical activity until enough information can be gleaned to shape a final value-based model. Early activity in bundled programs demonstrates the development of increased use of evidenced-based medicine, a better understanding of costs, improvements in care coordination, and higher quality patient care. It is for this reason that it is extremely important not only to participate in these value-based models for educational and financial benefit, currently, but also to look with a critical eye to ensure a sustainable final model evolves.

For more information please read, Episodes of care and bundled payments, a sustainable approach, by Becker's Spine Review.

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