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Dr. Haqqani: Research shows promise for new lower back pain relief

By Admin | October 27, 2021

New research conducted by Stanford University Medicine and supported by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), revealed that a method called empowered relief shows promise for chronic lower back pain relief.

The new method shows faster results than another pain management program already in use called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Improvements in the new method

Pain management skills in one two-hour session of empowered relief may offer the same benefits of eight two-hour sessions of CBT, according to NIH and as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Those in the study had experienced chronic lower back pain for six months or longer. The research compared the amount of pain relief within control groups after three months of the different treatments.

For those treated with CBT, the methods usually employed were utilized. They included pain management education and active cognitive behavioral skill building. Among the elements of the empowered relief program are relaxation, mindfulness, cognitive reframing and self-soothing.

According to Stanford Medicine, empowered relief combines successful CBT elements, such as identifying stressful thought patterns, with pain science techniques. The instructor and patient create a pain management plan that is implemented at home. The advantages include less time than and more accessibility than CBT.

Lower back pain common

Over five hundred million people worldwide suffer from lower back pain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lower back pain is the most common pain reported in the United States. When questioned, 25% of Americans report they have had...(More)

For more info please read, Dr. Haqqani: Research shows promise for new lower back pain relief, by Midland Daily News

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