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Apex IONM Solutions Apex IONM Solutions

Yoga for Low Back Pain

By Admin | November 09, 2018

Low back pain remains a major health problem in the United States. It is a leading cause of Emergency Department visits, timed missed from work, and disability. In individuals younger than 45 years, it is the number one cause of work-related disability. For all ages, it is the second most common cause of temporary disability. It is also one of the leading diagnoses in health care expenditures.

The economic impact of low back and neck pain is huge. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “low back and neck pain” was the 3rdhighest health related spending category for 2013 (behind Diabetes and Ischemic Heart Disease) at $87.6 billion.

Over 80% of individuals develop acute low back pain in their lifetime with about 5% developing chronic low back pain. According to the CDC, each year roughly 12-14% of the adult population will visit their doctor with a complaint of low back pain.  Nearly 30% will experience low back pain at some point in any given 3-month time period!

There are certain “red flags,” however, in acute low back pain that should warrant timely evaluation. Among theses are radiating leg pain, motor weakness, bowel or bladder dysfunction, onset associated with trauma, onset after recent “blood infection,” and a history of cancer. Although low back pain may have discrete causes that need immediate surgical interventions, sometimes it becomes a chronic disease.

For more information, please read, Yoga for Low Back Pain, by Florence Neurosurgery and Spine Center. 

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