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Apex IONM Solutions Apex IONM Solutions

Taking care of patients and their information

By Admin | September 06, 2017

There are currently no mechanisms in place to protect patients from stolen identities in order for others to bill fraudulently or receive care.

Someone fraudulently racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars is only the beginning of the problem. The wrong person using someone else’s identity can affect care. What if a nurse orders the wrong blood type for a transfusion because the file was hacked? This hasn’t happened yet, but it most likely will.

Hackers have already proven that they can get into hospital systems and wreak havoc, so hospitals and care facilities need to be extra vigilant in keeping patient data safe.

Securing a patient’s records should be as big of a priority to hospitals as cleanliness, hygiene, and infection-blocking procedures.

For more, read “Hospitals must factor patient safety into security strategies” by Healthcare IT News.

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