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Apex IONM Solutions Apex IONM Solutions

Effectiveness of tonic and burst motor cortex stimulation in chronic neuropathic pain

By Admin | June 14, 2019

Motor cortex stimulation (MCS) is an intracranial, invasive method for treatment of chronic pain. Main indications for MCS are central post stroke pain, neuropathic facial pain, phantom limb pain and brachial plexus or spinal cord injury pain. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) with burst waveform has been proved to be more effective than tonic mode in chronic pain. Necessity to replace depleted batteries of motor cortex tonic stimulators gave us an opportunity of applying burst stimulation. The objective of the pilot study was to evaluate the effects of burst stimulation applied on motor cortex in patients with chronic pain syndromes as well as comparison to tonic mode.


For more information please read, Effectiveness of tonic and burst motor cortex stimulation in chronic neuropathic pain, by DovePress.

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