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Apex IONM Solutions Apex IONM Solutions

Cybersecurity is a problem

By Admin | November 28, 2016

The Internet was originally an insecure network designed to allow scientists to collaborate, not to be the backbone of our economy, says former NSA senior counsel Joel Brenner.

He goes on to explain that it can take much longer to find malicious code and information than it takes to plant that information.

And this is what really threatens all industries, including healthcare.

He goes on to explain what could potentially happen if a hacker decided to break into a hospital’s records and tamper with patient care information. Most people only worry about personal health information, not about what happens when instructions and drug doses are changed in a computer.

There are ways for hospitals to be vigilant and hinder cyber attacks, but it requires research and action. Brenner recommends the SANS Institute’s CIS Critical Security Controls.

To learn more, read “What's the fundamental problem with cybersecurity? Relying on the Internet” by Healthcare IT News.

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