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Medicare-for-All: The DFW Hospital Perspective

By Admin | November 21, 2019

What to do about the United States’ ever-expanding medical costs has been a key issue during the presidential primary season. Medicare-for-All, Medicare-for-more, Medicare-if-you-want-it, and a bevy of other healthcare policies have been key talking points for every serious Democratic presidential candidate.

Steve Love is the CEO of the DFW Hospital Council, a 90 member hospital organization that helps hospitals collaborate and advocate for initiatives they value, and he says that while the hospitals want to be politically neutral and are for increased coverage, Medicare for all is not the answer. He calls it a “cry for help.” There is a legitimate issue in lack of coverage, but a single payer system is not the answer. “A ‘ Medicare-for-All’ product would upend 180 million Americans who currently receive health insurance through their employer. The funding could become political and not in the best interest of the patient,” he says.

For more information please read, Medicare-for-All: The DFW Hospital Perspective, by D Magazine.

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